Over sea bridge crossing Thi Nai Lagoon is the longest of its type in Vietnam with 2.501,75-metre in length, connecting QuyNhonCity with PhuongMaiPeninsula. Its construction started in 2003 with total estimated investment of 363 billion VND. Completion of the bridge is due to take place in December 2006. It will not only draw investment into Nhon Hoi Economic Zone but also boost socio-economic development of QuyNhonCity, creating favourable conditions to take advantage of tourism potentials of North-EastBinhDinhProvince.
Panorama of the longest over sea bridge in Vietnam (2.501,75m). Photo by Dao Tien Dat |
Five spans at middle of the bridge have shipping clearance/shipping envelope and height reasonable for under-bridge traffic of 5.000-ton ships - Photo by Dao Tien Dat |
Ha Thanh 1 Bridge leads to the bridge crossing Thi Nai Lagoon (more than 5 kms of such bridges and path from Dong Da Roundabout to the over sea bridgehead were built). Photo by Dao Tien Dat |
Leaders of BinhDinhProvince cut inauguration band as announcement of technical opening to traffic - Photo by Cat Hung |
Many local residents honestly bare their heart- the Government builds this bridge for its people to have chance of living new lives, for BinhDinhProvince to move towards brighter future. Photo by Đ.T.Đ |
A great number of local people participated in the inauguration. Photo by: Van Luu | |