Han Mac Tu is commonly well-known as a talented but miserable poet. His poems emerged in Vietnamese poetry during 1920s-1930s as sobbing heart-breaking voices of a young soul who was suffering leprosy, an incurable disease at that time.
His inner voices have stirred millions of hearts and have been respected by many Vietnamese people. His part of life and poetical career in QuyNhonCity still leave traces that arouse commiseration of all people who hear about him.
The room at QuyHoaLeprosyHospital where Han Mac Tu stayed during his treatment time.
The bed where Han Mac Tu writhedin pain, writing poems and drawinghis last breath on 11st November 1940at his age of 28.
The first tomb of Han Mac Tu in Quy Hoa.
The road leads to reintered tomb of Han Mac Tu on Ghenh Rang Hill (Thi Nhan Hill), QuyNhonCity.
Han Mac Tu tomb on Thi Nhan Hill.
Many tourists pass Han Mac Tu tomb and buy souvenirs during their visits to QuyNhonCity.