The auction of shares of Binh Dinh Footwear Joint Stock Company at Ho Chi Minh City Securities Trading Center was finished. Accordingly, the total number of shares auctioned is 644,100 with the price of VND10,000 per share and the starting price of VND10,300 per share.
There were 82 investors participating in the auction, including 1 organization and 81 individuals. The total number of shares ordered was 1,310,400 in which there were 1,309,400 shared validly ordered. The highest number of shares ordered was 644,100 whereas the lowest was 100 shares. The highest price was of VND20,700 per share and the lowest was of VND10,300 per share.
18 investors won in the auction with 644,100 shares worth VND9,307,880,000.
Reported by Viet Hien
Translated by Hong Quang