The project of “improving the effectiveness of wood processing industry” has been conducted in Binh Dinh since May, 2006. The International Finance Corporation’s Mekong Private Sector Development Facility (MPDF-IFC), Vietnam-Japan Human Resources Cooperation Center (VJCC) under Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and Binh Dinh Department of Trade have conducted the project for nearly two years.
A significant project
The aim of the project is to enhance the competitiveness to ensure the sustainable development for wood processing enterprises, aiding them in saving the raw material and energy and improving the labor safety.
It includes many programs, such as the 5S application in production management, expenditure and energy saving. They play an important role to Binh Dinh’s enterprises, particularly wood processing ones.
Alongside MPDF-IFC and provincial Department of Trade, other organisations like VJCC-JICA and Energy Saving Center also helped enterprises carry out the project.
Practical results
The 2007’s export turnover of forest products recorded at nearly US$212 million, a surge of 30 percent over 2006.
Enterprises have tried their utmost with the support of bodies and agencies, let alone contributions from MPDF-IFC and the project of improving the effectiveness of wood processing industry, said Vice Director of Binh Dinh Trade Department, Nguyen Thanh Son.
After being conducted for two years, the project has brought remarkable results. MPDF-IFC and provincial Trade Department successfully held 16 training courses and 14 seminars, providing the information on the export market, raw material, transportation, and experiences.
Thanks to project, the operation of wood processing enterprises has been gradually improved. The labour productivity and labour environment have been considerably increased. About 91-96 percent of labourers highly appreciated the project.
It is hoped that wood processing enterprises in Binh Dinh would continue developing and improve their production.