“Pilot Implementation of Electronic Customs” will start at Binh Dinh in this September |
“Pilot Implementation of Electronic Customs” will start at Binh Dinh in this September, announced Binh Dinh People’s Committee. Binh Dinh Newspaper asks Mr. Nguyen Van Thinh, Deputy Chief of Binh Dinh Customs Department.
Can you please briefly introduce about the “Pilot Implementation of Electronic Customs”?
The Decision No. 149/2005/QĐ-TTg dated on June 20, 2005 by Prime Minister on the “Pilot Implementation of Electronic Customs” aims to reform Vietnamese customs towards regional and international standards of modern customs; replace traditional paper customs procedures with e-customs clearance; draw out lessons to improve the e-customs procedures.
The Decision has 4 main terms and conditions: 1. The e-customs procedures are performed electronically via electronic data processing systems of the customs authority. 2. The integrity of e-customs files must be guaranteed, in standard form and format, and be legal validity as paper customs files. 3. Implementing regulations by which declarants shall have rights to declare, calculate and pay duties and other payables by themselves. Customs fees shall be collected and paid monthly. 4. Customs authorities implement customs procedures based on e-customs records sent by enterprises; a customs clearance decision is based on electronic documents declared by some enterprises; the decision of customs inspection is based on the result of data analysing from customs and other information sources.
What benefits will the enterprises enjoy if they participate in the e-customs scheme?
The policy aims to create favourable conditions for the enterprises in their production, trading, importing and exporting. Hence, they will enjoy a lot of benefits, such as cost and time saving, free provision of software for the e-customs declaration and free, direct assistance from the custom authorities on the use of the software, prior clearance of e-customs files to traditional customs files when the customs authorities check the files in detail or check the goods. The electronic data processing systems of the customs authorities receive e-custom registration forms all day round 24/24, 7 days/week.
How did Binh Dinh Customs Department prepare for the implementation of the pilot e-customs scheme?
In 2005, Binh Dinh Customs Department started to implement customs declaration via Internet. 90% of enterprises in the province responded to our preparatory activities. This is favourable premise for our implementation of the e-customs.
The department formed a steering committee on the e-customs implementation and mapped out an action plan on the e-customs implementation. Customs authorities at Quy Nhon sea port and Phu Yen will apply the e-customs procedures first on following goods: import-export goods under trade contracts, import-export goods under processing contracts with foreign traders or for overseas processing, import-export materials for production of export goods, import-export goods for investment projects.
The department also kindly requested Binh Dinh Committee of Party, Binh Dinh People’s Council, Binh Dinh People’s Committee to direct relevant agencies to collaborate with the department in the e-customs implementation, offer better services to the enterprises.
The department itself orders its branches to install more Internet cables and necessary IT equipments. Its head office, its IT training office, its customs branch at Quy Nhon sea port are entirely equipped new software network.
The department asks the custom branch at Quy Nhon sea port to choose qualified officials to perform the e-customs procedures; propose selected lists of potential enterprises to join in the scheme; assist the enterprises to install terminal software; sign certificates of e-customs registration for qualified enterprises, etc.
The steering committee sets September 31, 2011 as deadline for phase I of the e-customs implementation at the Quy Nhon sea port custom branch; early January 2012 as deadline for phase II of the implementation at Phu Yen custom branch.
50% of import-export turnovers and 50% of custom registration forms are expected to be done via e-customs procedures. 30 enterprises that conform to laws on customs, taxes and have great export turnovers have so far registered for the e-customs.
How the department is going to carry out the e-customs scheme?
From now to the end of this month, the steering committee continuously pushes up the installation of the cables and equipments, the training for the customs officials on e-customs procedures, for the enterprises on the use of the terminal software, the installation and tests of simulation network, etc.
By September 2011, we will award the certificates for qualified enterprises and organize opening ceremony for e-customs service in Binh Dinh. By November 2011, we will make preliminary evaluation of the e-customs efficiency in the phase I.
Hopefully, the e-customs service will get fruitful results. We expect to get active responses of the enterprises, too.