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US helps disaster-prone central coastal communities
8:2', 23/11/ 2012 (GMT+7)

The central province of Quang Nam on November 21 launched a US-backed project worth 400,000 USD, to increase disaster-prone coastal communities’ resilience to natural hazards, according to the US Embassy in Vietnam.

In the next two years, the Green Shield project will directly benefit 48,000 local people in 12,000 households in central Quang Nam and Binh Dinh provinces, which suffer most from heavy rain and flooding.

Funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the project will be implemented by the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in cooperation with authorities in Thang Binh and Nui Thanh districts of Quang Nam province and Quy Nhon city and Tuy Phuoc district of Binh Dinh province.

The project will strengthen community, district and provincial abilities to prepare and respond to natural disasters by engaging approximately 300 provincial, district and community-level officials and citizens.

It will enhance environmental and natural resource protection through mangrove reforestation, support vulnerable communities to protect their lives and livelihoods from natural hazards, and improve the use of early warning systems.

In partnership with local governments the project will support existing policies in disaster preparation and mangrove forest management, and will integrate disaster risk reduction into provincial school curriculums.

By the end of the project, government officials and communities will have a practical, participatory model for community-based disaster risk reduction that can be replicated in communities and schools across the targeted districts and beyond.

  • Source: VNA
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