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Honoring playwright Nguyen Dieu
8:8', 25/5/ 2012 (GMT+7)

A seminar focusing on the life and career of Tuong (Vietnamese classical drama) playwright Nguyen Dieu was held Wednesday. It clearly portrayed him as an eminent man in culture.

Tuong artists perform an extract of a Tuong play at the seminar

Many famous experts and scholars nationwide and abroad came to attend the event about the famous playwright who was born in Binh Dinh. Nguyen Dieu is also the Dao Tan’s teacher.

The reports presented at the seminar showed that many of his works have been long considered as classical models of Tuong art which are admired by many domestic and foreign Tuong lovers.

“During the time in Viet Bac base, Unclo Ho always asked the Minister Le Van Hien to act Tuong plays when they had free time,” said Professor Hoang Chuong. When visiting the socialist republic countries, he also asked Hien to play a Tuong extract to help Vietnam’s friends understand more about our culture. Obviously, no ancient Tuong play is as popular as Nguyen Dieu’s plays.

His contributions to education and Binh Dinh’s Tuong art were honored for years. However, there are not many studies about him. The seminar, thus, is necessary for the preservation and development of Tuong in particular and national stage art in general.

More than 30 reports presented at the event contain many new discoveries and explanation. Also, the participants pointed out responsibility-related issues for his treasure.

“Studying Nguyen Dieu’s life and career will help thorough understanding of the history of Binh Dinh’s Tuong art before the Dao Tan’s period,” said Van Trong Hung, director of Binh Dinh Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism. “The new discoveries of Nguyen Dieu prove there are many issues which must be done to preserve and develop his treasure.”

The result of the seminar will be the initial step for further studies on the great man of Tuong art in Binh Dinh,” he added.

  • Trung Thu
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