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Hoang De Citadel to be highlighted over martial arts festival
13:24', 9/7/ 2012 (GMT+7)

Performing martial arts at An Nhon town’s culture and sport center during the 3 rd int’l festival of Vietnamese traditional martial arts.

An Nhon town is expected to offer 4 destinations for the 4th international festival of Vietnamese traditional martial arts next month. Among them, the Hoang De (Emperor) Citadel will be the highlight.

The town’s preparation for the upcoming festival has gone smoothly thanks to what it did in previous events. Le Xuan Canh martial arts club will host the exchange program for visiting teams by offering different martial arts performances.

Ly Xuan Hy martial arts club is another destination for the participants coming to An Nhon. The visitors will have a chance to enjoy the performance of “Mieu tay dien” (cat washes its face), the most famous martial arts technique of the club.

The culture and sport centre, which was used for the previous festival, is now dedicated to different shows during the event.

The only new destination for the upcoming festival is Hoang De Citadel, which has been under embellished.

“We are going to use a set of drums to welcome visiting teams when they come here and to make performances more bustling,” said Vo Tan Dat, vice director of An Nhon town’s culture and sport center. Before any performances, the local representative will brief participants on the history of Hoang De Citadel, helping them understand more about its cultural value.

“We expect foreign delegates will be interested in the citadel,” Dat added.

According to Nguyen Minh Hung, general secretary of Binh Dinh martial arts federation, the festival is aimed at honoring and preserving the national culture as well as popularizing the province’s image; thus, such a historical destination as Hoang De Citadel is important for the event.

Participating delegation will have opportunities to share their views on Vietnamese traditional martial arts and enjoy the province’s unique cultural features. This is a channel to attract more foreign tourists to come to Binh Dinh, driving the development of local tourism.

  • Le Cuong
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