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Int’l martial arts festival opens in Quy Nhon
13:43', 2/8/ 2012 (GMT+7)

The 4th international festival of Vietnamese traditional martial arts yesterday opened at Quy Nhon Stadium.


Art performance at the opening ceremony


Speaking at the opening ceremony, Binh Dinh Province’s Chairman Le Huu Loc extended greetings to domestic and foreign martial arts teams joining the event in Binh Dinh.

“The festival once again affirmed the strong development of Vietnamese traditional martial arts as well as its attraction. This is also an opportunity for those who love Vietnamese traditional martial arts to come to Binh Dinh,” he said.

Deputy PM Nguyen Thien Nhan highly appreciated the preservation and uphold of traditional cultural value in Binh Dinh.He emphasized that the success of previous festivals contributed to highlight the national martial arts spirit and tighten the solidarity among martial arts lovers worldwide.

The art performance at the ceremony briefed the history of Tay Son, resurrecting the Tay Son Uprising with glorious achievements. It also focused on Emperor Quang Trung, one of founders of Vietnamese traditional martial arts.

The festival is scheduled to last until August 3.

On the same day, the incense and flower offering ceremony, one of main activities of the festival, had took place at Quang Trung Museum.


Officials attend the incense and flower offering ceremony at Quang Trung Museum


Many former leaders and officials as well as the representatives of participating teams joined the program.


The representatives of foreign martial arts teams burn incense at the ceremony


After the ceremony, My Phat Co., Ltd presented 9 big-sized drums for the museum, 50 medium-sized drums for local schools.

  • L.C-V.T-H.T


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