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Cautiousness required to restore Hoang De Citadel
7:55', 15/9/ 2012 (GMT+7)

The Hoang De (Emperor) Citadel owns significant historical and cultural values. Its restoration thus requires cautiousness. Director of Binh Dinh’s relics management board Dang Huu Tho talks more.

The initial phase of the restoration of Hoang De Citadel has been finished

Could you tell us the process of excavating the citadel?

The local authorities have coordinated with Vietnam Archaeology Institute to excavate the relics for four times from 2004-2007, unearthing such Tay Son dynasty-related traces as Forbidden City’s walls, foundation of Bat Giac (octagonal) temple, palace, Nam Giao altar and so on.

How about the restoration of the relic after these archaeological excavations?

In 2008, the proposal for the restoration of Hoang De Citadel got approval after being submitted to the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, which suggested the embillishment of the ruins and limited restoration of unproven works.

Under the suggestions, the Forbidden City’s walls and Vo Tanh temple were restored, let alone other items.

The restoration of the walls and temple is just initial phase, isnt’ it?

That’s right. The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism proposed the second phase of the project, including the restoration of lake, rock garden, walls connected to the Forbidden City’s walls, and Nam Giao altar. The department also asked the approval for the construction of Nguyen Nhac temple at the relic.

How about the progress of the second phase?

Relevant bodies have detailed the planning for the second phase. The department was in June allowed to select the venue to build the Nguyen Nhac temple.

The department will continue to excavate an area of 900 s.q meters at the relic in late September, providing more scientific proof for the second phase.

  • Hoai Thu

Located on a 900 square metre site in An Nhon township, the citadel was built by King Thai Duc in the late 18th century on a foundation dating from the Champa Kingdom. It is the only architecture from the Tay Son dynasty remaining that has further potential for archaeological exploration.

In 1778, Nguyen Nhac proclaimed himself the Central Emperor. He established the capital, which he named Hoang De Citadel, expanded the citadel to the east, and built many grand monuments. In 1799, the citadel was occupied by the Nguyen Dynasty, and rebaptized Binh Dinh Citadel. In 1814, the Nguyen Dynasty destroyed the old citadel and built a new one about 5km south of the old citadel. 

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