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Emperor Quang Trung commemorated
13:44', 17/9/ 2012 (GMT+7)

A ceremony was September 14 held at the Quang Trung Museum in the central province of Binh Dinh to commemorate the 220th death anniversary of the national hero Emperor Quang Trung.

The ceremony commemorating Emperor Quang Trung takes place at Quang Trung Museum

Officials, local residents and tourists laid a wreath at the emperor’s statue and offered incense at a shrine dedicated to the emperor and his two brothers. Traditional rituals were also performed to express gratitude to the popular hero.

An outdoor altar in the emperor’s hometown was inaugurated earlier on September 13 in honour of the military commander and his rebel soldiers.

Previously, an esplanade was inaugurated in Binh Tuong commune of Binh Dinh province on September 13 to celebrate his 220th death anniversary (1792-2012).

Construction of the 46-hectare esplanade started last November in An mountain, Hoa Son hamlet, with the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) making the total investment of around VND54 billion (US$2.5 million).

The construction includes two main entrances, a worshipping site, management board site, a semicircle lake, technical site, parking and a road leading to the top of An mountain.

Emperor Quang Trung (1753 - 1792), whose real name was Nguyen Hue, was a national hero with a great military and political talent in the 18th century. Hue declared himself King in 1788 and in the spring of 1789, he led the Tay Son insurgent army against some 290,000 Qing invaders. Their defeat returned freedom and independence to the nation.

Together with Quang Trung museum in Phu Phong town, Tay Son district, and other temples commemorating Tay Son insurgent army along the No.19 Highway from Quy Nhon to An Khe district, Gia Lai province, the esplanade is expected to become an attractive tourism spot for visitors to the province.

  • Source: NDO


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