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XVI. Technology for Dying and Covering the Surface of Granite Tiles
18:4', 9/12/ 2006 (GMT+7)

1. Project name:  Technology For Dying And Covering The Surface Of Granite Tiles

2. Project objective:

To set up new plants for dying and covering the surface of granite tiles or buying equipment and technology.

3. Project location:

Long My or Nhon Hoi Industrial Zone, Small-scale Industrial Zone on National Road 19;

The existing stone processing plants in the province.

4. Market:

For export and domestic consumption.

5. Form of investment:

100% foreign owned capital or joint-venture

6. Estimated project scale:

Subject to the scale of the project.

7. Background:

Binh Dinh has great potential of granite (especially of yellow, pink, light-pink, ruby-red and white colours, etc.). The reserve of granite is estimated at hundreds of millions of cubic metres.

The need of high-quality granite tiles for domestic use and export is so great. For a long time, some countries in the region such as Thailand, China, etc. have applied the technology for dying and covering the surface of granite tiles to produce strong and high abrasion resistant products.

8. Energy and Utilities:

These sites are easily accessible to power and water supply, communication, transport, labour supply.

9. Contact Address:

Department of Industries of BinhDinhProvince

Add: 59 Le Hong Phong St., QuyNhonCity, BinhDinhProvince

Tel: (84.56) 812161, 822199, 822455   Fax: (84.56) 825043

InvestmentPromotionCenter of BinhDinhProvince

Add: 35 Le Loi St., QuyNhonCity, BinhDinhProvince

Tel: (84.56) 818886, 818888, 818889  Fax: (84.56) 818887

E-mail: ipcbinhdinh@vnn.vn      

Website: www.binhdinhinvest.gov.vn

Management Board of Industrial Zones of BinhDinhProvince

Add: 65 Tay Son St., QuyNhonCity, BinhDinhProvince

Tel: (84.56) 846651, 846413   Fax: (84.56) 846616

E-mail: bqlkcnbd@dng.vnn.vn

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XVII. Geothermal Power Plant  (09/12/2006)
XVIII. Electric and Electronic Component Manufacturing and Assembling Plant  (09/12/2006)
XIX. Shipyard  (09/12/2006)
XXI. Phu Hoa Lake Tourist Area  (09/12/2006)
XX. Hoi Van hot spring sanatotium area  (09/12/2006)
XXII. Ham Ho Tourist Area  (09/12/2006)
XXIII. Hai Giang Tourist Area  (09/12/2006)
XXIV. Vinh Hoi Tourist Area  (09/12/2006)
XXV. Tan Thanh Tourist Area  (09/12/2006)
XXVI. Hoi Van Hot Spring Sanatorium Area  (09/12/2006)
XXVII. High-rise Building for Lease and IT Centre  (09/12/2006)
V. Cocoon Nursery and Silk Textile Plant  (09/12/2006)
IV. Export Meat Processing Plant  (09/12/2006)
III. Coconut-based Product Processing Plant  (07/12/2006)
II. Vegetable Oil Processing Plant  (09/12/2006)
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