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VI. Export Seafood Processing Factory
19:33', 9/12/ 2006 (GMT+7)

1. Project name: Export Seafood Processing Factories

2. Project objective:

The area of cultivated shrimp by 2005 is 5,000 ha

The output of cultivated shrimp by 2005 is 10,000 tons and by 2010 is 15,000 tons.

Output 100,000 tons of seafood (2010), of that squid stands at 3,000 tons (2005) and 4,500 tons ( 2010).

Construction of aquaculture area with an industrial model of high yield.

3. Project location:

Long My Industrial Zone (QuyNhonCity);

Phu My, Tuy Phuoc, Hoai Nhon Districts

4. Market:

Export and domestic consumption.

5. Form of investment:

100% foreign owned capital or joint-venture

6. Estimated project scale:

Construction of 2 - 3 factories of processing  seafood for export with a total capacity of 10,000 tons per year. USD 15 million.

7. Inputs (raw materials and Intermediate products):

Binh Dinh has a 134 km of coastline and a large sea terriority of 2,500 km2, together with an economic privileged area of 40,000 km2.

Aquaculture potential: over 7,600 ha of brackish water surface; thousands of hectares of salt water land; 5,176 ha of natural fresh water and over 1,000 ha of sandy land along seaside is available for shrimp cultivation.

The fleet consists of over 6,000 motorised boats, 2,500 of which have a capacity of over 45 HPs. The big fish ports with well-developed fishery logistic services are located at Quy Nhon, De Gi and Tam Quan.

The provincial ecosystem is suitable for abundant marine resources with high economic value, which are preferable in the domestic and international markets, such as shrimp, ocean tuna, squid, pearl and  various types of fish.

8. Energy and Utilities:

Telecommunication, power and water supply and other infrastructure   facilities are  adequate.

9. Contact Address:

Department of Fisheries of BinhDinhProvince

Add: 110 Tran Hung Dao St., QuyNhonCity, BinhDinhProvince

Tel: (84.56) 892167, 891472    Fax: (84.56) 892579

InvestmentPromotionCenter of BinhDinhProvince

Add: 35 Le Loi St., QuyNhonCity, BinhDinhProvince

Tel: (84.56) 818886, 818888, 818889  Fax: (84.56) 818887



Management Board of Industrial Zones of BinhDinhProvince

Add: 65 Tay Son St., QuyNhonCity, BinhDinhProvince

Tel: (84.56) 846651, 846413   Fax: (84.56) 846616


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VII. Hi-Tech Shrimp Farming in Sandy and Salted Areas  (09/12/2006)
VIII. Manufacture of Boat Engines and Fishery Equipment and Tools  (09/12/2006)
IX. Building Ocean Tuna Line Fishing Boats with Synchonized Equipment  (09/12/2006)
X. Building Boats for Supplying Fishery Logistic Services and Purchasing Marine Catch at Sea  (09/12/2006)
XI. Export Artistic Pottery Factory  (09/12/2006)
XII. Production of Ruthenium and Pigment from Titanium  (09/12/2006)
XIII. Export Footwear Factories  (09/12/2006)
XIV. Export Garment Factories  (09/12/2006)
XV. Household and Industrial Plastic Manufactory  (09/12/2006)
XVI. Technology for Dying and Covering the Surface of Granite Tiles  (09/12/2006)
XVII. Geothermal Power Plant  (09/12/2006)
XVIII. Electric and Electronic Component Manufacturing and Assembling Plant  (09/12/2006)
XIX. Shipyard  (09/12/2006)
XXI. Phu Hoa Lake Tourist Area  (09/12/2006)
XX. Hoi Van hot spring sanatotium area  (09/12/2006)
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