Go Thi located in Vinh Binh hamlet of Vinh Thinh commune in Vinh Thanh district is known as a site where many Dong Son bronze drums were unearthed.
Pieces of raw potteries unearthed at Go Thi relic |
Notably, among 14 Dong Son bronze drums found, 6 were discovered in Go Thi and there were two drums buried together with jewelry and some pieces of raw potteries and human bones.
Experts believed that Go Thi is likely a ghost village where ancient residents lived, but no one exactly knows who they are. The most interesting thing is that Go Thi is not only the site where a series of bronze drums were found but the home of ancient people.
Vietnamese and Japanese experts affirmed that Go Thi is a residential relic of ancient residents when they carried out an archaeological excavation at Go Thi in 2010 and discovered many related traces.
Under the program for drawing an archaeology map, some archaeologists came to Go Thi early this year and reaffirmed the site is a residential relic under the Sa Huynh culture. However, the relationship between owners of Dong Son drums and Sa Huynh residents needs further studies in the future.
Dinh Ba Hoa