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Take chance, bit of risk
20:51', 28/10/ 2008 (GMT+7)

Tu Diep Cong Thanh (F, R) and Korean and Japanese professors in a seminar held in Thailand.

Taking a chance and a bit of a risk is the lodestar which Tu Diep Cong Thanh used when studying at HCMC University of Technology. He was then granted a full scholarship to attend a PhD course at University of Ulsan (RoK) for two years, becoming a doctor before 27.

Studying in Quy Nhon city, Thanh was always one of students who were at the top of the class. When he was in the ninth grade, his family moved to live in Ho Chi Minh City. That worried his parents a lot. They faced financial difficulties and he felt inferior among his classmates.

* You then determined your way of studying…

- I almost learned by heart all exercises and their answers in books of Maths, Physics, and Chemistry. Passing the entrance exam was only an initial step in my career.

* It took only three and a half years for you to graduate the university with an excellent degree…

Fortunately, when I passed the entrance exam, my university was trialing the credit training program. I took full advantage of the program to shorten my studying to assist my family. The result must, therefore, be given top priority.

After one year, I had to make much effort to be allowed to skip the curriculum planning. I had to study even in the summer holiday to catch up with senior students.

Once, I had to finish 27 credits and 14 subjects in a semester. I tried my utmost to ensure a good result and, finally, I graduated with an excellent degree after three and a half years.

* Few people dare to think that they will become a doctor at the age of 27. But you planned to get a PhD before your thirties.

After graduating from the university, I was selected to work in the university as a lecturer. Thanks to the encouragement of my colleagues and family, I hope to get a PhD in my thirties. But it was just my aim. It needs a great effort to make the dream come true.

In September, 2003, Thanh went to Korea to start his PhD course at the University of Ulsan. His supervisor, Prof. Ahn Kyoung Kwan, said that it would take 5 years to complete the course. After two years, however, he finished the course, surprising his supervisor. He was only 27 at that time.

I still remember the first time when I met prof. Ahn Kyoung Kwan. Alongside his worries about the living condition, weather, and language barrier, Thanh wanted to know required conditions to graduate the course.

He was shocked to know the strict requirements of the course. Since then he planned a schedule to study. In the first semester, Thanh tried to read many articles and scientific works and did a study. He continued to complete four more works in the second semester and three international studies in the third semester to finish the course in two years.

His PhD dissertation absolutely persuaded the jury panel. His supervisor, “perhaps you were the first-and-last PhD student excellently finishing the course three years earlier. You didn’t need to thank me, thank yourself instead.

* How did you feel at that time?

Acquiring the knowledge is not my dream but other young people. I only know how to take a chance. Truthfully, I don’t dare to think that I could get such academic results until now.

* Your project was formed by chance. Could you brief on it?

 Once, visiting the physiotherapy ward in Cho Ray Hospital, I saw many patients coming back home without being treated. I decided to help them by doing a study on inventing some medical equipment for the rehabilitation.

At present, these are undergoing clinical trial and many patients have expressed their satisfaction with them.

* What are the keys of your success?

My parents had undue influence on their children. My thoughts, life style, and characters partly include my parents’ characters. They were all teachers whose image was engraved on my mind.

The keys of the success, I think, are not only studying but training in real life. Chances and luck also play important roles.

* What do you plan for your future? 

With the youth, I will invent many types of equipment to meet the social demands.

* What are your memories about Binh Dinh?

I left Quy Nhon when I was a child. I have returned to my hometown and old school for several times. Binh Dinh now has many new changes. I was very proud to talk about Binh Dinh when I was abroad.

  • Thu Hien (translated by HQuang)
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