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Come to Vietnam for charity
16:20', 17/11/ 2008 (GMT+7)

Mrs. Carol Noe presents the wheelchair to a diabled child. Photo T.H

In 2005, two women came to Quy Nhon city to present wheelchairs to the disabled. They are member of the US-based Kids First organisation which has been implementing some projects in Quang Tri province and Vietnam Women’s Union.

It was the friendliness and need for help of children in Nguyen Nga charitable unit that made them decide to do something for these kids. After the meeting in 2005, Barbara Gregg and Carol Noe decided to set up “Barbara’s Kids” group, aiming to help poor and disabled children in Binh Dinh.

The group includes six members and 20 volunteers, let alone sponsors. “I held dinners and talks to show sponsors children’s pictures and products to appeal to their generosity,” Ms Barbara said. “I also wrote to Rotary organisation to ask for help.

Mrs. Carol and her children held small parties to auction everything. All were happy to participate in the auction to help the others.

In 2007, they took two disabled children to Singapore in a vain attempt for a medical test due to the high fee. In this time’s return, they presented a wheelchair to Ho Tan Cong in Phu My District and gifts to disabled children.

Also, they are going to help Huynh Thi Mong Tuyen, suffering the cornea ulcers for 15 years, Le Tan Si, a condyle patient, and Tran Thi Thuy with the spinal column twist.

“Doctors said they could do nothing with my disease. Ms Barbara told to me that she would have American doctors test my X-ray film,” said Thuy.

Le Tan Si was taken to Ho Chi Minh City for his arm ulcers operation in FV Hospital. They visited Binh Dinh General Hospital’s pediatric ward and decided to aid the heart operation for the 19-month-old baby.

They have come to Vietnam for ten times, from 2005-08 and visited Quy Nhon city for four times just because they want to help disabled children. “We did this just because we felt what they need. Bringing the happiness to other people is our happiness,” they said.

Both are now living in Seatle city in the State of Washington. Mrs. Barbara has still worked part-time at the operation ward in Harborview Medical Center in Seatle city. Her two daughters also work as doctors.

Mrs Carol worked in a supermarket and looked after children in a church. “I have three children and seven grandchildren,” said Carol. “All members in my family love joining charitable activities. They often help me hold charitable auctions.”

“Let’s help more children, not only in our families but in the society. Let’s not make disabled children feel inferiority complex, helping them overcome difficulties because that is the way they can assert themselves.” That’s the message they want to convey to all people and disabled children.

  • Thu Ha (translated by HQuang)
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