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16 years of preserving treasure
17:17', 30/12/ 2008 (GMT+7)

Tran Dinh Ky (second from left), Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh (third from left), and provincial leaders.

Working as the director of Quang Trung Museum for 16 years, Tran Dinh Ky has greatly contributed the development of the museum. He retired in early December. Binh Dinh Newspaper’s reporter had a talk with him.

Often, people only know you as the director of Quang Trung Museum. Could you talk about your previous jobs?

I was born in a revolutionary family. After being demobilized, I was a veteran. Before working at the museum, I had done many jobs, mainly in the cultural sector. I love travelling, so I hadn’t done any jobs for over three years.

But you’ve worked at Quang Trung Museum for 16 years…

When moving to work at the museum in 1992, I knew nothing about my job. No qualification. No experience. All were zero.

And what did you do to prove yourself in the new environment?

Work, work, and work. I’ve worked with the enthusiasm. I went everywhere, near and far, to bring any items relating to Quang Trung and Tay Son insurgent army to the museum.

Even when becoming older, I still went away on business. I now retire, but still go out everyday to meet my friends or visit somewhere.

You were appointed as the director after working there for one year. The museum faced many difficulties at that time. You overcame many challenges, didn’t you?

Quang Trung Museum lacked many things in the early 1990s. There was almost nothing in the museum but some restored items which have no historical value.

Appointed as the director, I targeted at two big issues. The first one was the staff management and the second was the item collection.

Looking back 16 years of preserving the “treasure”, could you talk about your achievements?

My achievements are also the achievements of the museum. It has strongly developed so far. The museum is now famous, attracting scores of domestic and foreign tourists annually.

The collection also got many achievements. At present, there are over 11,000 original items in the museum, such as cannon, weapons, and the collection of coin. I’m proud of its development.

Many contributions have been made to build items at the museum. This was thanks to your prestige. Is that right?

Many organizations, businesses, and individual have made contributions to the museum, but the prestige only plays a small part. The main factor is the awareness and new policies.

You spent much more time working at the museum than at home. When retired, did you feel shocked?

I’ve become familiar with the atmosphere at the museum. I considered it as my second house. Being retired shocked me, actually. But now I’m familiar with this. I come to the museum everyday and always help anyone. I’m still invited to participate in many issues at the museum. Although I was retired, I don’t give up my job.

Anh have some of your intentions still left undone?

I hope that Quang Trung museum will be at the national magnitude by 2020. Before being retired, I’ve not finished many things, such as building services and restaurant or strengthening the collection. But I do believe that my colleague will continue to do these.

What is the most important character of those who work at museums?

In my opinion, the sincerity must be the top priority. We could hardy do anything without it. I still remember many people in the North didn’t want to grant the conferring decree to antique collectors even when paid lots of money. They kept it as their heirloom. Ony the sincerity could make them present it to the museum.

How about your present life?

I have three children, but only my first son follows my steps. My wife was also retired long time ago. When I was still at work, I did nothing to help my family. I’m now retired and have nothing but the retirement pension. But if think twice, we can’t compare advantages and disadvantages in our life.

  • Nguyen Van Trang (translated by HQuang)
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