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Chat to the “king of scholarship hunters”
10:24', 17/1/ 2009 (GMT+7)

Nguyen Chi Hieu on his graduation day at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

A talk with Nguyen Chi Hieu, who was honored as one of the world’s 100 best students, took place at midnight (in the U.S) when he could spent time on unscheduled business.

“I’m not a bookworm”

You’re called the “king of scholarship hunters” on some forums for overseas Vietnamese students. What do you think about this?

Really? I’ve just known that. But I’m not so talented, actually.

Do you have any secrets to win big scholarships?

I have no secret. When clearly defining the target, I will “take aim at” it and try to “shoot”. If I miss my aim, I don’t feel sad because I always do my utmost. Failure will be no longer failure if we know how to overcome it. In my opinion, what passed, let it pass and what comes, it will come. We don’t need to force ourselves.

The image of a bookworm is often used to mention excellent students who always keep themselves inside the room all day and read unceasingly.

I’m Hieu “chi men”, not a bookworm. Just believe me. I don’t study very hard. Everything is reasonable and balanced. I’ve still spent much time on playing musical instruments, taking photographs, travelling, and joining community projects and charitable activities. How can I be a bookworm?

Vietnam securities like a gamble

The young generation like you are really concerned with politics. They have their own websites and blogs to express their opinions about the country’s affairs. How about you?

My characters are not suitable to politics. I’d rather like issues relating to my major, the economy. But this doesn’t mean that I know nothing about my country and world issues. I still update political events because they are necessary in our life. I support politicians who serve the people and accuse anyone of doing something against the community’s benefits.

If talking about the economy, what is your concern among financial issues in Vietnam?

The securities. At present, Vietnam’s securities market is similar to Hong Kong in 1996-97. There are not enough qualified human resources. The market is easily governed and Vietnamese people investing in the securities could easily win and lose. It looks like a gamble rather than a market.

I see you are really concerned with such an issue but why don’t you intend to work in Vietnam?

I will but not now. After finishing my studying, I want to work in Vietnam’s neighbours like Singapore and Malaysia. I don’t have a habit of making long-term plans, so I couldn’t say what I will do in a couple of years in advance. I only know that “whenever the wind blows me to, I’ll happily fly with it”.

Many often use the distance to evaluate the patriotism. However, living abroad doesn’t mean that you are not patriotic. When you live away from Vietnam and think of it, you’re still patriotic, I think.

Living with clear aim

You have begun your life abroad before graduating from senior high school. You began life as an adult early. What do you get and lose?

I feel more and more independent and self-controlled. But I couldn’t enjoy Vietnamese dishes frequently and the atmosphere of the lunar New Year in Vietnam. When my brother got married and my grandfathers passed away, I couldn’t be there.

The youth is the best time of our life. You’ve devoted your youth to studying. Have you ever regretted?

I’ve made my youth more significant and valuable, so I have nothing to regret. To me, we have to live with clear aims. I feel sorry for those who are controlled by the life without knowing what to do and where to go. I admire those who dare to dream and do their utmost for their dreams, those who dare to face the fate and share unhappiness with the others.

  • Source: SGTT (translated by HQuang)
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