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Keep them home
15:39', 22/9/ 2009 (GMT+7)

Truong Quoc Viet’s workshop is opened thanks to a loan from the commune’s Youth Union. Photo N.Nam

Seeing young laborers have gradually left their hometown to find jobs, Youth Union officials in Tam Quan Nam commune made every effort to help them find jobs in their hometown.

Everyone likes it

Like many villages in the central region, it’s popular that young people in Binh Dinh often leave their villages to work in other places.

Nguyen Trong Tot, secretary of Tam Quan Nam commune’s Youth Union, and the others decided to do something to help them.

“If you want them to stay, you have to offer them a job, but creating a job requires money,” Tot thought. He then told young villagers that the commune’s Youth Union would be able to loan them money to help them do business.

Thanks to money loaned from Hoai Nhon district’s Bank for Social Policies, many young people now could open workshops, cultivate their gardens, and farm in their hometown.

No need to leave

“Initially, my workshop faced many difficulties, but it is stably operating,” said Truong Quoc Viet, a 29-year-old carpenter.

Viet attended a vocational training course several years ago, but he hadn’t earned his living with what he learnt owing to the lack of capital.

He had gone fishing offshore for six years before he offered a loan of 10 million VND to open his own workshop.

Also, four people were employed to work with him with the monthly wage of 1.5 million VND. “I paid my loan before the deadline, but now I’m going to loan more to expand my workshop,” he said.

Truong Minh Nhut and Cao Xuan Hieu also took out a loan and did farming. They now have enough money to do business in other fields. “It’s unnecessary to go anywhere,” Hieu said.

In Tam Quang Nam commune, young people is now talking about doing business and the role of commune’s Youth Union is always mentioned in the issues.

  • Source: TTO
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