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An inexhaustible inspiration source of music and poetry
8:42', 12/1/ 2007 (GMT+7)

Majestic beauty and great socio-economic meaning of QuyNhon-NhonHoiBridge and Road Construction, particularly of ThiNaiBridge, the longest over sea bridge in Vietnam now, is a new source of inspiration for Binh Dinh Provincce’s poems and musicians to compose their works. In field of music, each of the musicians has his own way of feeling, his own way of expressing his emotion but all of their songs’ melodies evoke the same harmony of pride and happiness.


Panorama of the longest over sea bridge in Vietnam (2.501,75m). Photo by Dao Tien Dat

In his song “Moonlight at Thi Nai Lagoon”,  musician The Tuyen depicts the magic sparkling moonlight on the sea as background to magnify grandiose beauty of the bridge. The song has gentle, soft and sentimental melodies, bearing a slight resemblance of Ca Tru (*)  like a conversation between the moon and the nusician about changes in Binh Dinh homeland. “Oh, the moonlight! Life now is different than it used to be. Factories are built and electricity light is bright everywhere. The sea and the sky are all happy with the new change of the life. Together with  the moonlight, we pass the bridge to the new urban centre. Phuong Mai – Nhon Hoi enjoys now great joy”. Another song “A bridge liking happiness together” by composer Pham Huu Thuan also talks about the changes of the life brought by Quy Nhon – NhonHoiBridge and Road Construction. The song has both gentle and merry melodies: “Singing echoes at the construction site. Children cry out merrily at the new  bridge…”. Musician Chu Si Phuoc employs gentle tune in his song “The bridge of dream”  to express his pleasure: “My hometown has dreamed of such the bridge for so long. The bridge over Thi Nai Lagoon is like a stretching arm, connecting QuyNhonCity and PhuongMaiPeninsula”. The song “Nhon Hoi-the bridge to future” by Nguyen Gia Thien sounds like a folk-song in the South of Central Vietnam. It represents pride of Binh Dinh people about the “bridge of century” in their homeland: “Let’s visit my hometown. You’ll see a bridge of dream over the deep blue sea here. Wind is singing. So ardently with the human being love. So immense with love of life. Nhon Hoi-the bridge of my hometown. Nhon Hoi – the bridge to the future…”. Nguyen Gia Thien says: “ Through my song, I want to praise beautry and meaning of the bridge over Thi Nai Lagoon. To me, it is not only a bridge of transportation but also a symbol of life, of love and of future…”.

Singing from PhuongMaiPeninsula composed by Vu Trung and sang by Chau Quoc Cuong is probably the song of most interest. (Click here to listen to the song). The musician set the poem “ Verses written at Thi Nai Lagoon” composed by Hai Nhu to music. (Hai Nhu, an experienced Hai Phong poet, has been living in Ho Chi Minh City and famous for many poems about Uncle Ho). The song has smooth melodies and gentle words with a style rich in images: “This morning, in hometown of (Quang Trung) peasant hero, I pass the immense blue Thi Nai Lagoon…Over  Thi Nai Lagoon, appears a superb work. PhuongMaiPeninsula looks like a maiden. PhuongMaiPeninsula lying on the seashore is waking up…”. The song reminds us of the past and expresses pride of the contemporary people when they put dream of their ancestors into reality:”Dream of Quang Trung King. Dream of Dao Tan celebrity. Dream of our ancestors is becoming true…”.

QuyNhon-NhonHoiBridge and Road Construction, particularly of ThiNaiBridge, is actually a source of inspiration for many musicians in BinhDinhProvince in particular and in Vietnam in general whenever they visit the bridge of century in Binh Dinh land. Number of the songs are not at that figure. Many works of music, poetry and painting will be composed by artist circle once they visit Quy Nhon – Binh Dinh land as the poetic and beautiful bridge will continue to provoke more and more inspiration.

  • Written by Hoai Thu
  • Translated by To Uyen
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