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Make bai choi come alive
19:2', 11/11/ 2007 (GMT+7)

Nguyen Chi Hieu (first from left) teaches learners a Ly song. Photo T.X

Bai choi folk song (a special folk song takes its source from playing card groups that perform in the spring) was believed to lose its origin, but it is now very much alive in the place where it was born. There are bai choi teaching classes and club making bai choi come alive in Thanh Xuan hamlet, Hoai Huong commune, Hoai Nhon district.

There is such a bai choi club

In Thanh Xuan hamlet everyone knows Nguyen Chi Hieu who teaches bai choi folk song. Children in the hamlet often come to his house to learn and perform bai choi. Only when talking with him, could I feel how much he loves bai choi. During the conversation, he illustrated his explanations by singing some Ly songs or bai choi. Also, he has composed many songs about Hoai Nhon and Binh Dinh.

Even in wartime there had been bai choi teaching classes in Hoai Huong, he said. After the war, classes were closed until the open-door period when the singing of bai choi folk song has been rejuvenated. Many came to his house to learn bai choi, which encouraged him to open classes.

Bai choi learners include people of different ages. Many come from neighboring hamlets and communes. Children learn bai choi after classes at schools; meanwhile, the adults learn to perform some bai choi folk song melodies.

Sometimes, he and his wife have to spend sleepless nights instructing learners when an event is held, but they feel very happy instead of being tired.

Make bai choi come alive

Thanh Xuan-based bai choi club was set up in 2003. It now consists of 18 members, let alone 40-50 bai choi lovers attending its activities held twice a month.

Also, Hoai Huong commune's elder people association is now planning to establish a bai choi club for the elder because many of them still love singing bai choi. A three-hour bai choi play is expected to perform at the opening ceremony of the club on December 22.

Singing bai choi folk song has strongly developed in Hoai Huong. Such bai choi teaching classes and club need more support, keeping it alive in people's hearts.

  • Ngoc Tu (translated by Hong Quang)
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