The Binh Dinh provincial Standing Committee of the Party has decided to decorate Party badges to 5,339 Party members whose Party seniority is 30, 40, 50, and 60 years on the occasion of the 117th birthday of President Ho Chi Minh.
27 Party members with the Party seniority of 60 years, 23 with the Party seniority of 50 years, 120 with the Party seniority of 40 years, and 5,163 with the Party seniority of 30 years will be awarded the Party badges. There have been 9,698 Party members of Binh Dinh Party Committee decorated the Party badges so far.
Also, the provincial businesses’ Party Committee on May 17, 2007 held a ceremony to offer 105 Party members Party badges. In the morning of May 18, 2007, the Party Committee of the bloc of People, Government, and Party will hold a ceremony to award 212 Party members Party badges in which one Party member has the Party seniority of 40 years and 211 with the Party seniority of 30 years.
Reported by L.M.T
Translated by Hong Quang