There are 6 companies in Binh Dinh ranked in top 500 private companies this year, according to a report announced by Vietnam Report Company on November 25.
They include Phu Tai Joint Stock Company (ranked 154th), Petec Binh Dinh JSC (ranked 168th), Tien Dat Wood Industrial JSC (ranked 294th), Construction JSC No..47 (ranked 321th), Tri Tin Co., Ltd (ranked 402th), Hoai Nhon Aquaculture JSC (ranked 477th).
The electronic report- Vietnamnet, Vietnam Report Joint Stock Company (Vietnam Report) and the analysis team- Hanoi-Boston research and publish a list of VNR500 enterprises annually.
VNR500’s methodology is based on the ranking model Fortune 500 and other criteria that are publicized. Databases used to rank enterprises are built based on databases that are investigated by Vietnam Report, along with sources of related organizations.