Since the beginning of this November, breeding lobsters have appeared a lot along coastal areas of Binh Dinh. Particularly in recent days, the breeding lobsters gathers more as weather at the areas is cool and windy. In Quy Nhon city, about 700 boats of fishermen who specialize in catching the breeding lobsters and come from communes of Nhon Hai, Nhon Ly and wards of Hai Cang, Genh Rang are actively exploring the marine resource for the 2011-2012 production season. Each boat catches at least 15-20 breeding lobsters/night. Some boats even catch 130-140 lobsters/night, getting revenues of 30-32 million VND/boat.
Prices of the breeding lobsters are 220-230 thousand VND/lobster, 60-80 thousand VND higher than the previous season.
Meanwhile, costs of the inshore breeding lobsters exploitation are low, about 400-600 thousand VND/night, leading to higher incomes for the fishermen in comparison to other kinds of marine resource exploitation.