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Youth deals with climate change
13:56', 10/10/ 2012 (GMT+7)

Four projects proposed by Binh Dinh were selected to join the Youth Initiative on Climate Change Adaptation (YICCA) program, the province’s Climate Change Correspondence Office (CCCO) has announced.

Young people join a seminar on climate change adaptation held at Quy Nhon City. Photo vietnamcityclimatechange

The main target of the program is to support a groups of medium-sized Asian cities to build measures dealing with climate change, poor reduction and urbanization management. Selected projects will receive the financial support of 10-100 million VND as well as technical assistance.

The Binh Dinh CCCO held a YICCA seminar in late April last year, focusing on 7 main issues, such as solutions adapting to climate change or support for a poor community which is vulnerable to climate change.

The program attracted many young people, according to a CCCO’s official.

Among 4 selected ones, the project “Rising awareness for changing the behavior of the community to adapt to climate change in Nhon Binh ward” is a typical one. It includes 6 activities, including the awareness raising for students and community.

As for the community, the project owners will build a pilot model entitled “Growing climate change-adapted vegetable”, which is funded by Finand Embassy in Vietnam.

The project focusing on the treatment of salt-contaminated water is expected to meet the demand for clean water and minimize the area of salt-contaminated cultivation land in Quy Nhon city, helping local residents deal with climate change.

The project “Food for rainy season” is aimed at solving food-related issue for farmers by studying the possibility of developing seeds available for rainy season.

Hopefully, the projects will be carried out effectively, contributing to the climate change adaptation in the future.

  • V.H
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