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Rockefeller Foundation reliable partner
13:59', 1/3/ 2013 (GMT+7)

A seminar entitled “Sharing results of the project studying flood impacts on the urban development planning in Quy Nhon City’s Nhon Binh ward, in the context of climate change” took place in Quy Nhon.

The representative of the Rockefeller Foundation Office in Asia, Praeung Uennan Tornwaranggoon

The representative of the Rockefeller Foundation Office in Asia, Praeung Uennan Tornwaranggoon, talks more about the project.

Could you brief us on the project?

Quy Nhon is one of 10 cities selected to join the Rockefeller Foundation-funded project studying flood impacts on urban development planning in the context of climate change. It is part of Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) program.

The project aims to evaluate the impacts of flood and propose warnings on the urban development planning in Nhon Binh ward in the context of climate change. The experts will collect flood data, build a hydrology model, and suggest warnings.

The project is planned to be carried out from January, 2011 to June, 2013.

What do you think about two studies by ISET and SIWRR?

They are valuable and have encouraging results. The report entitled “Results of building hydrology model, hydraulic power, and flood map at Ha Thanh River valley” was carried out by experts of Southern Institute of Water Resources Planning (SIWRR) while the study on “lessons from typhoon Mirinae in the future urbanization of Ha Than River delta” was conducted by Dr. Michael Di Gregorio and his associates at Institute for Social and Environmental Transition (ISET) and Climate Change Coordination Office (CCCO) in Binh Dinh.

What does the project need to be improved?

While the reports were highly value, the common concern is how to perfectly implement the suggestions. For example, how to set up the flood warning system or improve the urban development planning in Nhon Binh? The issues need to be studies further.

Does the Rockefeller Foundation continue funding the project which is scheduled to end in June?

The project is important not only for Nhon Binh ward but the urban development planning in Quy Nhon. The suggestions in two reports need to be submitted to the provincial authorities and relevant bodies.

The Rockefeller will continue to support CCCO in Binh Dinh to improve the project until it gets the most practical results.

  • V.H


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